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Taxonomy: Mycoplasmopsis
Taxonomic NameATCC Product NameDate PublishedLengthDownloadGenomic Data
Mycoplasma argininiType StrainATCC® 23838™December 21, 2022712.0 Kb
Mycoplasma canisType StrainATCC® 19525™April 5, 2023896.3 Kb
Mycoplasma columboraleType StrainATCC® 29258™November 30, 2021949.6 Kb
Mycoplasma felisType StrainATCC® 23391™August 31, 2022974.3 Kb
Mycoplasma fermentansType StrainATCC® 19989™December 15, 20211.1 Mb
Mycoplasma opalescensType StrainATCC® 27921™November 30, 2021790.4 Kb
Mycoplasma pullorumType StrainATCC® 33553™September 4, 2024976.5 Kb
Mycoplasma synoviaeType StrainATCC® 25204™December 23, 2021848.2 Kb
Mycoplasmopsis bovisType StrainATCC® 25523™August 1, 2022995.2 Kb
Displaying 9 Genomes