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Taxonomy: Vibrio
Taxonomic NameATCC Product NameDate PublishedLengthDownloadGenomic Data
Listonella anguillarumType StrainATCC® 19264™April 5, 20234.3 Mb
Listonella anguillarumATCC® 43306™April 28, 20234.4 Mb
Vibrio alginolyticusATCC® 14582™September 5, 20235.4 Mb
Vibrio alginolyticusType StrainATCC® 17749™August 27, 20195.2 Mb
Vibrio alginolyticusATCC® 33787™July 1, 20215.7 Mb
Vibrio alginolyticusATCC® 33838™September 5, 20235.2 Mb
Vibrio alginolyticusATCC® 51160™September 5, 20235.1 Mb
Vibrio alginolyticusATCC® 17750™September 5, 20235.2 Mb
Vibrio campbelliiATCC® BAA-2750™August 8, 20236.1 Mb
Vibrio campbelliiATCC® BAA-1119™October 29, 20216.1 Mb
Vibrio campbelliiATCC® BAA-2363™August 31, 20226.1 Mb
Vibrio campbelliiATCC® BAA-1118™August 1, 20226.1 Mb
Vibrio campbelliiATCC® BAA-2751™October 31, 20236.1 Mb
Vibrio campbelliiATCC® 700104™August 1, 20226.0 Mb
Vibrio campbelliiATCC® BAA-1121™May 29, 20206.1 Mb
Vibrio campbelliiType StrainATCC® BAA-1116™August 27, 20196.1 Mb
Vibrio campbelliiATCC® 700106™August 1, 20226.1 Mb
Vibrio campbelliiATCC® BAA-1117™April 2, 20216.1 Mb
Vibrio campbelliiATCC® BAA-1120™August 1, 20226.1 Mb
Vibrio choleraeATCC® 14100™February 25, 20234.1 Mb
Vibrio choleraeATCC® 14102™September 5, 20234.1 Mb
Vibrio choleraeATCC® BAA-2163™September 30, 20224.1 Mb
Vibrio choleraeATCC® 11558™June 30, 20234.1 Mb
Vibrio choleraeATCC® 11628™September 5, 20234.1 Mb
Vibrio choleraeATCC® 27070™September 5, 20234.2 Mb
Vibrio choleraeATCC® 31498™May 3, 20224.1 Mb
Vibrio choleraeType StrainATCC® 14035™October 31, 20224.1 Mb
Vibrio choleraeATCC® 51394™June 14, 20194.1 Mb
Vibrio choleraeATCC® BAA-2506™September 5, 20234.1 Mb
Vibrio choleraeATCC® 25874™June 3, 20244.0 Mb
Displaying 93 Genomes