As of May 2024, to guarantee the long-term sustainability of the portal and to continue to provide you with reference-quality genomes, we have transitioned the ATCC Genome Portal over to a supporting membership service. Learn more about ATCC supporting memberships here.
Taxonomic NameATCC Product NameDate PublishedLengthDownloadGenomic Data
Abiotrophia defectivaType StrainATCC® 49176™December 12, 20222.0 Mb
Abiotrophia defectivaATCC® 700209™April 29, 20242.0 Mb
Acetivibrio aldrichiiType StrainATCC® 49358™September 25, 20246.4 Mb
Acetivibrio cellulolyticusType StrainATCC® 33288™November 26, 20246.3 Mb
Acetivibrio ethanolgignensType StrainATCC® 33324™June 3, 20244.1 Mb
Acetivibrio thermocellusType StrainATCC® 27405™August 27, 20193.8 Mb
Acetobacter acetiType StrainATCC® 15973™September 29, 20203.7 Mb
Acetobacter acetiATCC® 23746™January 28, 20213.7 Mb
Acetobacterium sp.ATCC® BAA-990™March 5, 20244.1 Mb
Acetobacter pasteurianus subsp pasteurianusType StrainATCC® 33445™September 13, 20243.2 Mb
Acetobacter pasteurianus subsp. pasteurianusATCC® 7839™September 5, 20233.2 Mb
Acetobacter pasteurianus subsp. pasteurianusATCC® 12879™September 29, 20203.2 Mb
Acetomicrobium mobileType StrainATCC® 43122™April 10, 20242.0 Mb
Acholeplasma axanthumType StrainATCC® 25176™December 15, 20211.9 Mb
Acholeplasma cavigenitaliumType StrainATCC® 49901™April 29, 20241.4 Mb
Acholeplasma granularumType StrainATCC® 19168™November 30, 20211.5 Mb
Acholeplasma laidlawiiATCC® BAA-3342™April 29, 20241.5 Mb
Acholeplasma laidlawiiType StrainATCC® 23206™December 23, 20211.5 Mb
Acholeplasma oculiType StrainATCC® 27350™December 15, 20211.6 Mb
Acholeplasma palmaeType StrainATCC® 49389™September 13, 20241.6 Mb
Acholeplasma pleciaeType StrainATCC® 49582™April 29, 20241.5 Mb
Acholeplasma vituliType StrainATCC® 700667™September 4, 20241.9 Mb
Achromobacter denitrificansType StrainATCC® 15173™February 25, 20236.7 Mb
Achromobacter denitrificansATCC® 21988™September 5, 20236.7 Mb
Achromobacter piechaudiiType StrainATCC® 43552™November 26, 20246.1 Mb
Achromobacter piechaudiiATCC® 43553™September 13, 20246.1 Mb
Achromobacter sp.ATCC® 25297™December 13, 20243.6 Mb
Achromobacter xylosoxidansATCC® 9220™September 5, 20236.3 Mb
Achromobacter xylosoxidansATCC® 212™September 5, 20236.2 Mb
Achromobacter xylosoxidansATCC® 27063™December 12, 20226.5 Mb
Displaying 5244 Genomes